Johnson County Collaborative Divorce Lawyers

Divorce is often thought of as being messy and hostile. It doesn’t have to be this way. At Boothe Walsh Law & Mediation in Johnson County, our family law attorneys provide collaborative divorce services that allow couples to navigate and negotiate the terms of their divorce without drawn-out court dates and costly fees. Our attorneys are skilled at providing clients with collaborative efforts focusing on mediation and negotiation that ensure a fair agreement can be met for both parties. We work to take the focus from “fight and win” to “troubleshoot and problem solve.” Additionally, when you appear in court, your voice in the matter can begin to feel limited, even though you are the one who must move forward with whatever outcome is reached in the end. Our collaborative divorce lawyers in Johnson County will ensure that both sides are fairly heard and can agree upon all decisions made when it comes to the terms of their divorce.

Think of the Children

Additionally, divorce proceedings can often leave children feeling caught in the middle, and can take tremendous tolls on their mental health. Collaborative divorce allows the children to remain children throughout the process and keeps them from having to endure the silent anguish of attending a court proceeding concerning the two people they love most—their parents. Moreover, collaborative divorce may also allow for easier and stronger co-parenting of the children. At Boothe Walsh Law & Mediation in Johnson County, our family law attorneys provide services that are also much more private than traditional litigations. Your divorce is a sensitive matter and should be treated as such, as well as respected and moved along as efficiently as possible so that you and your family can get back to your lives and healing as you all move forward.

Contact Boothe Walsh Law & Mediation for Your Initial Consultation

If you or someone you know is looking for a collaborative divorce lawyer in Johnson County or a nearby community, please contact us today. We value our clients and work hard to find fair and just resolutions for all parties involved. Divorce is never easy. But you don’t have to feel alone. Let us help. Contact us today.

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